Joy Faith Ministries International

statement of faith

at jfmi, we believe...
One God, Three Persons: There is one God, the creator of heaven and earth, who exists in the three persons of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ: Our Lord Jesus Christ, the only son of God, was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered and died for our sins, was resurrected and ascended into Heaven and is still alive today, seated at the right hand of God and interceding on our behalf daily. His rule (government) will literally be established in the earth and we await His literal return to the earth.
Justification by Faith: Eternal salvation is achieved by grace through faith alone through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit, which dwells in all believers when they accept Christ into their hearts, conforms us to the image of Jesus Christ and sets us apart to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.
The Holy Bible: The Holy Bible is the word of God, written by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit, and all that we believe has its basis in the entirety of the scripture and the absolute truths that it contains.
Spiritual Gifts: The gifts of the Holy Spirit detailed in the Bible are functional today within the Body of Christ until the Lord’s return, and these gifts equip believers for the work of the ministry.
Baptism: All of God’s people should be buried with our Lord Jesus Christ in the waters of baptism, subsequent to conversion.
The Church: The Holy Christian Church, imperfectly represented on earth by the various Christian institutions, is spiritually unified through all those who have been born again, with a diverse and transitional culture and an eternal mission.
Powers of Light and Darkness: Both Holy Angels and demons are as active in the lives of men today as they were during the time of Christ. Just as Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil, we believe that the power and authority of Jesus Christ continues to heal the sick and free the oppressed through those believers called to and anointed for the ministry.